I've joined a Friday challenge: a 5 minute Friday challenge to write about a topic for 5 minutes, completely unedited, etc.
So - here goes!
PATH is today's topic. My path, I thought, was set out for me. I had a good job in London, my flat, the car, the cat, etc. But was I happy? NO! I kept feeling something was missing.
Always one to get itchy feet, I assumed as I 'matured' I'd get rid of this feeling, but it just grew. I got miserable in my job until eventually, in my 30's, I jacked it all in - went to University and am now living in Athens, Greece after having re-trained as an EFL teacher.
Am I happy - you bet! Is my life secure? Not really, but then that was what was missing for me - I need a sense of 'insecurity' in a way. Luckily I don't have kids yet, otherwise that'd surely change.
So it seems my Path has changed, and I am grateful. Or maybe this was always meant to be my path, but I was on the wrong one originally! I'm glad I've found my 'Itheca' - my path. And just because your path might be vastly different from those around you, don't think it's a wrong path.
Whew! 5 minutes isn't a long time eh?
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