One, two, three...GO!
Er, God, this is a difficult one today! What to write about? Well, I have an obsession with cats and can waste many hours just watching them. One that I looked after recently, Branston, was found in Athens Airport and I looked after him until he was re-homed permanently.
You can see him here, enjoying a Stretch (and Yawn as it turns out).
We have a rescue cat too, but she did the choosing by arriving on our terrace 12 years ago. She brought four kittens with her but we re-homed those - there are limits!
Rescue cats are the best :0) My flatmate went and rescued a tiny kitten from a car engine 2 nights ago, so that's another addition to the 'family' of cats. We already have three!
I love cats! I've had so many strays...whew.
Me too Teresa. They're very intelligent and loving :0) My current one was knocked over twice by cars, had bones re-connected before she came to me! Read about her on my other blog.
Cats have no need for yoga. Nor would we, were we more like them.
In preparation for a trip to Rome I ran across this couplet:
"So Tiberias might had sat,
Had Tiberias been a cat."
I suppose you could say, DEK, that cats are the epitomy of yoga? I spend many an hour just watching mine. She fascinates me. Yes, us humans can learn a lot from cats and, indeed, animals - and not just in the exercise stakes either. Many a time I've marvelled at the intelligence of my cat.
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